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Oksana Masters Reveals Controversy Over Ukrainian Stickers at Paralympics

2 min read

Oksana Masters, a prominent athlete for Team USA, recently shared  that Paralympic officials instructed her to remove Ukrainian heart stickers from her helmet before her events. The 19-time Paralympic medalist opened up about this experience in an interview on Friday.

Masters, who was born in Ukraine and later became a U.S. citizen, described the officials’ request as a source of intense motivation. “It really fired me up,” she told said  Amanda Davies. “It just added more fuel to the fire. Even though they could cover up my sticker, they couldn’t dampen my inner drive and passion.”

The exact reasons behind the officials’ request remain unclear.  During the opening ceremony in Paris, Masters was a flag bearer for the U.S., and she provided additional insight into the situation.

“It happened right at the start gate,” Masters explained. “The stickers were just heart-shaped symbols. An official at the start ramp addressed it, and I understand their position. For me, as someone with roots in Ukraine and representing the U.S., the start line is symbolic of my diverse heritage. But rather than feeling frustrated, it only motivated me more.”

The 35-year-old athlete went on to win gold medals in the Para Cycling Road H4-5 individual time trial on Wednesday and the H5 road race on Thursday.

Before the Games, Masters had expressed her intention to donate part of her Paralympic prize money to charities supporting Ukraine. Her previous charitable efforts included a donation to Global Giving’s “No Child Forgotten” initiative, which aids Ukrainian children affected by the conflict with Russia, following the 2022 Beijing Paralympic Winter Games.

Adopted from a Ukrainian orphanage at the age of seven and raised in the U.S., Masters has a strong personal connection to her homeland. She shared her desire to leave a meaningful legacy that extends beyond her own achievements.

“I am honored to compete here in Paris,” she said. “So many Ukrainian athletes and coaches may never have the chance to realize their dreams and showcase their hard work on this stage. I want my participation to have a broader significance. It’s not just about my gold medals or personal goals. I hope my efforts will leave a lasting impact, particularly for children who are in a situation similar to what I once faced.”

Masters reflected on her past, noting that she was once one of those overlooked children in Ukraine. “With limited resources and support for children with disabilities, I was fortunate to escape that situation. If I can contribute in any way to improving the lives of others, that’s a significant part of why I feel blessed to be where I am now,” she said.

Looking ahead, Masters will have another chance to enhance her medal count on Saturday in the Para Cycling Road mixed H1-5 team relay.

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