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Governor Achani Targets Land Grabbers in Kwale County

3 min read

Kwale Governor Fatuma Achani has issued a strong warning to land grabbers and speculators operating within the coastal county, signaling a decisive crackdown on illegal land acquisition.

In a recent statement, Governor Achani announced that her administration, in partnership with relevant state agencies, is set to reclaim hundreds of acres of public land that have been unlawfully appropriated by private developers and cartels. She expressed deep concern over the ongoing trend of encroachment on public land, vowing that those responsible, regardless of their status or influence, will face consequences.

The Governor’s declaration follows a notable intervention by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC), which recently recovered parts of Chale Island in Kwale. The EACC action came after a court ruling found that a 32-acre section of the island had been fraudulently acquired by private investors. This development underscores the severity of the issue and highlights the need for vigilance against land theft.

Governor Achani emphasized that land is a crucial asset for economic development, but the unscrupulous actions of land grabbers have turned it into a scarce resource. She welcomed President William Ruto’s recent commitment to addressing the land issue in the coastal region. The President has allocated Sh. 1 billion to a settlement trust fund aimed at purchasing land from absentee landlords as part of a broader resettlement initiative.

Many residents of the coast are currently living as squatters on land owned by individuals who are either abroad or were allocated land prior to Kenya’s independence. Governor Achani reiterated her administration’s dedication to eradicating land grabbing in all its forms within Kwale County and urged stakeholders to support efforts to recover stolen public assets from corrupt individuals.

The Governor also issued a stern warning to absentee landlords, urging them to either develop their properties or face potential repossession by the county government. She argues that these landlords are partially responsible for the slow development in the coastal county. Despite the National Land Commission’s (NLC) efforts, the issue of absentee landlords has persisted, hindering progress.

“We aim to collaborate with agencies like the NLC and EACC to ensure the fair and sustainable use of land resources in Kwale,” Achani stated. She highlighted concerns about private developers encroaching on public beaches and protected marine areas, stressing the need to curb such activities.

In a recent address in Kinondo ward, Msambweni sub-county, Achani called on individuals who have illegally acquired large land parcels to return them voluntarily or face forced repossession. She reaffirmed her administration’s unwavering stance against land grabbing, asserting that they are determined to tackle the issue head-on.

Achani emphasized the importance of freeing up land for both domestic and foreign investors to boost economic growth. She stressed that land grabbing undermines efforts to make Kwale a prime destination for investment, business, and tourism. “Land grabbing is a persistent issue that dates back to 1963, but we are resolute in addressing it,” she said, pledging that her administration will not passively observe as land grabbers disrupt residents’ lives.

Additionally, Achani announced plans to conduct a comprehensive land audit to identify and address cases of illegal land acquisition that have left many residents in a precarious position as squatters.

Kinondo MCA Juma Maone has echoed the Governor’s concerns, describing land grabbing as a critical issue that demands urgent attention from state authorities. He urged relevant agencies to act decisively to prevent the exploitation of land resources, which are vital for the livelihoods of many residents.

MCA Maone also called for the surveying and issuance of title deeds for land around public beaches to protect these areas from land grabbers and to preserve the region’s tourism heritage. He condemned the harassment and intimidation faced by locals at the hands of land speculators and called for an end to such practices.

Governor Achani’s robust stance on land grabbing and her commitment to reclaiming public land reflect a broader effort to address long-standing issues and promote fair land use in Kwale County.

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