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Laikipia receives water drilling machines

3 min read

Laikipia County is set to significantly enhance its water infrastructure with the recent acquisition of advanced borehole drilling machines. This initiative aims to tackle persistent water shortages and support agricultural activities, ultimately enhancing food security for local residents.

During a recent address in Isiolo, Laikipia Governor Joshua Irungu announced the county’s collaboration with the Ewaso Ng’iro North Development Authority (ENNDA) to implement these new resources. The partnership focuses on constructing boreholes that will serve farmers by providing essential irrigation, thereby boosting agricultural productivity.

The governor detailed that the new equipment includes a range of machinery such as tippers, caterpillars, water bowsers, and drilling trucks. Although the machines currently face minor mechanical issues, Governor Irungu assured that his administration is committed to addressing these problems. Funds will be allocated from a supplementary budget to repair and maintain the equipment, with plans to commence drilling operations next month.

“We have decided to allocate funds to address the minor mechanical issues with these machines that have been idle,” Governor Irungu stated. “Once repaired, they will be fully operational and begin delivering essential services.”

The governor emphasized that water bowsers, which play a critical role in transporting water, will be particularly valuable during the dry season. He noted that significant water loss occurs during rainy periods and stressed the importance of harvesting and storing this water for future use.

In addition to boreholes, the new machines will be utilized to build dams that will benefit livestock, hospitals, schools, and community conservancies. These initiatives are expected to support various sectors, including tourism, by ensuring a steady water supply.

Governor Irungu expressed confidence in the collaborative effort, stating, “By partnering with ENNDA, we can undertake major projects that address water harvesting and irrigation needs. Combining our resources will enable us to achieve more significant results.”

ENG. Ali Ibrahim Hassan, Managing Director of ENNDA, supported the governor’s vision and highlighted the positive impact of the drilling machines on water infrastructure in arid and semi-arid regions. “Our collaboration aims to enhance water infrastructure in Laikipia using this new equipment,” he said.

Eng. Hassan also extended an invitation to other arid and semi-arid land (ASAL) counties in the Northern region to join forces in tackling water scarcity challenges. By working together, these counties can collectively address the pressing issue of water shortages.

This initiative marks a significant step towards improving water access in Laikipia County, a region that has long struggled with water scarcity. The deployment of advanced drilling machinery, coupled with strategic repairs and maintenance, promises to transform the county’s water management and infrastructure.

As the county prepares to begin drilling operations, local communities and stakeholders are optimistic about the positive changes these developments will bring. The focus on repairing existing equipment and efficiently utilizing new resources reflects a proactive approach to solving long-standing water issues and supporting the county’s growth and resilience.

Overall, the new water drilling machines are poised to make a substantial difference in Laikipia County, enhancing agricultural practices, supporting community needs, and bolstering the local economy. Through continued collaboration and investment in water infrastructure, Laikipia is taking important strides toward a more sustainable and water-secure future.

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