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Major Affordable Housing Initiative Underway in Kisii

3 min read

The government is advancing a significant affordable housing project in Kisii County, which involves constructing 927 housing units with an investment of 1.8 billion shillings. This initiative is aimed at providing safe and affordable housing options for Kenyan citizens.

Jared Buoga, the Nyanza Regional Director of Housing and Urban Development, announced that the project is underway in the areas of Nyaribari Masaba, Ogembo, and Nyanchwa, with an expected completion date of July 2025.

Buoga highlighted several benefits of the project, including job creation. He anticipates that up to 120 workers will be employed daily across various trades such as masonry, carpentry, steel fixing, plumbing, and electrical work. The focus will be on hiring local residents, which aligns with the President’s agenda to promote employment within the community.

The Regional Director stressed the importance of certifying artisans on site and plans to coordinate with the National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) to recognize their prior skills. Additionally, workers will be registered through the National Construction Authority (NCA) and Juakali Association to ensure they can supply necessary materials like hinges, windows, and doors.

Buoga emphasized that the project aims to directly benefit young people and women, while also providing indirect advantages to the local community. He assured residents that the contractors are fully capable of meeting the project’s timelines and quality standards. Continuous monitoring by the county’s implementation team will ensure the project progresses as planned.

The involvement of all stakeholders is critical, particularly in areas like Nyanchwa where previous occupants were relocated to allow for construction. Buoga confirmed that such displacements were managed with proper notices and that future residents will benefit from the Boma Yangu platform.

Regarding the Ekerubo site in Nyaribari Masaba, Buoga indicated that the government is reclaiming it as it was acquired improperly by previous occupants. He assured that the matter is being handled with the appropriate level of attention by various government agencies.

During a recent visit, President William Ruto officially launched the Ogembo Sub County segment of the project, underscoring the government’s commitment to enhancing housing availability. He praised the initiative as a key element of the national strategy to address the housing deficit and improve living standards.

In addition to the housing units, the State Department of Housing and Urban Development has allocated 2.1 billion shillings for related infrastructure projects in Kisii. This includes 306 million shillings for constructing five Economic Stimulus Program (ESP) markets, which will support local trade and economic activities.

Linet Nyakiti, Kisii County Director of Housing, assured that the displaced traders would benefit from the new markets once completed. She emphasized the temporary nature of the displacement and the positive impact the markets will have on the local economy.

Local leaders and residents have welcomed the project, seeing it as a significant boost to the region. MP Alfah Miruka praised the initiative for its potential to generate employment and stimulate local economic growth through the use of locally sourced materials.

Nominated Member of Kisii County Assembly Lilian Gor commended the project’s inclusivity, ensuring that any Kenyan can access affordable housing with a 10 percent deposit. She encouraged private developers to include youth, women, and persons with disabilities in the workforce, further supporting the President’s affordable housing goals.

The community’s support and optimism reflect the transformative potential of this initiative for Kisii County, promising both immediate and long-term benefits.

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