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Siaya County Launches Construction of New ECDE Classroom at Nyangera Primary School

2 min read

Pupils at Nyangera Primary School in East Yimbo Ward can finally look forward to a significant improvement in their learning environment, thanks to the Siaya County government’s decision to build a modern Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) classroom. This move comes as a much-needed relief after widespread public concern over the poor conditions of the existing facility.

The school’s outdated and dilapidated classroom facilities had recently drawn attention through media reports, which highlighted the unsatisfactory and unsafe learning conditions faced by the young students. This outcry led to the Siaya County government awarding an emergency tender for the construction of a new ECDE block at Nyangera Primary School.

Head teacher George Nyamai expressed relief at the development, noting that the previous state of the ECDE classroom posed significant risks to the children. This unsafe environment had led many parents to opt for private institutions for their children’s education. Nyamai also revealed that the local community had repeatedly petitioned the county government during public budget discussions, requesting the construction of a new ECDE center. However, these requests had previously gone unaddressed.

During the groundbreaking ceremony for the new ECDE center, area Member of County Assembly (MCA) Francis Otiato criticized the county executive for not prioritizing the development of ECDE facilities in existing primary schools. Otiato pointed out that while there are 26 primary schools in the ward, only 11 have dedicated ECDE centers, a situation he described as a failure on the part of the county leadership.

“The county government has a mandate to manage ECDE centers and polytechnics,” Otiato said. “With only 11 out of 26 primary schools having these facilities, it’s clear there has been a lapse in prioritization.”

Otiato also expressed concern over the county’s decision to allocate Sh50 million for the construction of two modern ECDE centers in Bondo and Siaya towns. He argued that this focus on standalone facilities in urban areas was misguided. “There’s confusion regarding priorities,” Otiato stated. “Instead of building new centers in towns where few people will benefit, the funds should be directed towards improving existing school facilities where they are most needed.”

The planned new ECDE center at Nyangera Primary School will feature two modern classrooms, complete with new furniture, as well as two-door toilets and an office. The construction project is budgeted at Sh4.3 million and is expected to be completed within 10 weeks. The facility is scheduled to be ready for use at the start of the new school term in January 2025.

This development marks a significant step forward for the school and its community, providing a safer and more conducive learning environment for the young pupils.

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