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Trump says insurance or government should pay for IVF

3 min read

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has announced a new policy proposal aimed at addressing the high costs of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments. In a recent NBC News interview, Trump declared that, if elected, his administration would ensure that IVF treatments are covered either by insurance companies or directly by the government.

“I have always supported IVF since we first learned about it,” Trump told NBC News on Thursday. This pledge comes in response to concerns voiced by his Democratic rival, Vice President Kamala Harris, and other Democrats, who have warned that restrictive abortion laws in some states might jeopardize access to fertility treatments.

Trump’s stance could create friction with some anti-abortion activists within his party who oppose IVF due to the practice’s involvement with unused embryos. Despite this, Trump firmly committed to this new policy position during his NBC interview. “Under my administration, we will cover the costs of IVF treatments,” he asserted. “Alternatively, we will mandate that insurance companies cover these expenses.”

The cost of IVF can be significant, averaging around $20,000 per cycle, and it is often not covered by insurance in the U.S. Trump did not provide specifics on how this policy would be implemented or financed.

The Harris-Walz campaign quickly responded to Trump’s announcement, linking it to broader concerns about reproductive rights following the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. This ruling allowed individual states to regulate abortion access, leading to severe restrictions or outright bans in at least 14 states.

“Because Trump’s Supreme Court appointees overturned Roe v. Wade, IVF access is now under threat, and women’s rights are being stripped away in states nationwide,” said Sarafina Chitika, a spokesperson for the Harris campaign. Trump had previously celebrated his role in overturning Roe v. Wade, boasting about it in a May 2023 online post.

Despite his past actions, Trump has sought to distance himself from his record on abortion, with Harris and other Democrats emphasizing the potential impact of Republican policies on reproductive rights. In his interview, Trump also addressed a proposed Florida state ballot measure to ban abortions after six weeks, stating that he would vote against it, arguing that six weeks is too short a period for making such a decision. “There needs to be more time,” he said.

The issue of IVF gained political attention earlier this year when the Republican-controlled Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos created through IVF are legally considered children. This ruling prompted Trump to urge Alabama lawmakers to address the issue swiftly. Consequently, Alabama passed legislation in March to protect IVF practices, alleviating some of the political pressure on Republicans facing an election year.

According to a Pew Survey from last year, 42% of Americans have either used IVF treatments or know someone who has, with the percentage increasing among those with higher incomes. These individuals, many of whom are white and lean Republican, represent a demographic Trump aims to regain support from after losing it in the 2020 election.

Trump reiterated his policy position at a rally in Michigan, promising that “the government will cover or insurance companies will be required to cover all costs associated with IVF treatment.” However, Democrats remain skeptical about whether Trump’s administration would truly implement such a policy.

“Americans have witnessed firsthand how Donald Trump’s actions led to the reversal of Roe v. Wade and set the stage for extreme Republicans to restrict IVF and impose harsh abortion bans,” said Aida Ross, a spokesperson for the Democratic National Committee. “As voters head to the polls this November, they will choose the Harris-Walz ticket to protect their freedoms, rather than supporting Trump and his allies in their assault on fundamental rights.”

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