Omega TV UK


Closed Captioning

At Omega TV UK, we are committed to making our content accessible to everyone. We provide closed captioning for our programs to ensure that viewers who are deaf or hard of hearing can fully enjoy our broadcasts.What is Closed Captioning?

Closed captioning displays text on the screen that represents the audio portion of a program, including dialogue, music, and sound effects. This service is designed to assist viewers who are deaf or hard of hearing by providing a visual representation of the audio content.

Reporting Closed Captioning Issues

Your feedback is important to us. If you experience any issues with closed captioning on our programs, please let us know so we can address and resolve the problem promptly.

To report closed captioning issues, please contact us at:


Phone: +44 2085203359

Address: 189 Wood Street London E17 3NU

When reporting an issue, please include the following information:

The name of the program

The date and time you experienced the issue

A detailed description of the problem

Thank you for helping us improve our services and ensure that our content is accessible to all viewers.

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