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Industry Calls for Reform in Handling Explicit Content in Video Games

3 min read

In recent months, actors within the video game industry have voiced significant concerns about the handling of explicit scenes in games. Their distress stems from being asked to perform in graphic scenes, including sexual assaults, without prior notice. These situations often leave performers feeling shaken and upset, highlighting a broader issue of inadequate communication and support in the industry.

Sex scenes have become a common feature in modern video games. Typically, these scenes involve filming human actors who are then digitized into game characters. However, performers frequently encounter a culture of secrecy surrounding these projects. Scripts and details about the nature of the scenes are often withheld until the last minute, leaving actors unprepared for the intimate or explicit content they are expected to portray.

Jessica Jefferies, a casting director with a background in motion capture, has shared her experiences of being blindsided by such scenes. She recounted an instance where she was asked to perform in a scene depicting a graphic rape without prior warning. This lack of disclosure, combined with the intimate nature of the act, made the experience particularly distressing. Jefferies, who was the only female on set, found the scene “disgusting” and ultimately refused to participate. Her experience underscores the need for performers to be informed about explicit content beforehand to avoid uncomfortable situations and undue pressure on set.

In response to these issues, the performers’ union, Equity, has called for industry-wide changes. They have developed guidelines that emphasize the importance of transparency and support when dealing with intimate or explicit scenes. According to these guidelines, all cast members should receive a summary of the story, scene breakdown, and scripts in advance. Additionally, performers should have the option to request a closed set to minimize exposure, and a competent intimacy coordinator should be present to ensure their well-being.

Jefferies, who contributed to the development of these guidelines, believes that providing actors with more information will lead to better performances and greater comfort on set. She argues that these measures are not about restricting storytelling but about aligning game production practices with those in the film and TV industries, where similar guidelines are already established.

Another anonymous voice actor echoed these concerns, describing an instance where she was unexpectedly required to record a full-on sex scene. She was left feeling excruciatingly uncomfortable, as the entire team watched her through a glass booth. The lack of prior notice and support, coupled with the fear of being labeled a troublemaker for refusing, left her deeply shaken. Her experience highlights the need for a shift towards more considerate practices, including better communication and support for actors.

Recent developments in the industry show some positive changes. The game “Baldur’s Gate 3” has been praised for its handling of explicit scenes by employing intimacy coordinators to oversee the well-being of performers. This approach ensures that both voice actors and those performing motion capture are supported throughout the process. Such steps represent a move towards more ethical and considerate practices in the industry.

Beyond addressing explicit content, the Equity guidelines also tackle other issues such as the overuse of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), safety during motion and performance capture, and the management of vocal stress. They also address the use of artificial intelligence in performance capture, ensuring that performers are protected from potential exploitation.

The call for reform in how video games handle explicit content reflects a growing recognition of the need for improved standards and practices in the industry. By adopting these guidelines, the gaming world can move towards a more respectful and supportive environment for its performers, ultimately leading to better and more respectful portrayals in games.

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