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Prince Harry Warns of Misinformation Crisis During Colombian Visit

3 min read

Prince Harry has voiced serious concerns about the spread of misinformation in the digital age, stating that we are “no longer debating facts” due to the pervasive influence of AI and social media. His comments came during a four-day visit to Colombia with the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle.

The Sussexes arrived in Colombia on Thursday, following an invitation from Vice-President Francia Márquez, who extended the invitation after being inspired by a Netflix series about the couple’s lives. The visit, which is neither a state nor official royal event, has sparked significant interest and discussions on social responsibility and digital ethics.

On their first day in Bogotá, the Duke and Duchess visited a local school where they engaged with teenagers about the ramifications of social media and its role in spreading misinformation. The visit also included participation in a summit on digital responsibility, organized in part by their Archewell Foundation. This summit aimed to address the growing concerns over digital misinformation and its impact on society.

Prince Harry highlighted the urgency of the issue, noting how misinformation rapidly transitions from online platforms to real-world consequences. “What happens online within a matter of minutes transfers to the streets. People are acting on information that isn’t true,” he said. He emphasized that the challenge of distinguishing fact from fiction has become increasingly daunting, with many people feeling “scared and uncertain” about the implications of artificial intelligence.

The Duke of Sussex underscored the importance of education and awareness in combating misinformation. “It comes down to all of us to be able to spot the true from the fake,” he stated. He further criticized the lack of accountability among those in influential positions, arguing that as long as lies and harassment are allowed to spread unchecked, social cohesion will continue to deteriorate. “We are no longer debating facts,” Harry added. “For as long as people are allowed to spread lies, abuse, harass, then social cohesion as we know it has completely broken down.”

The Sussexes’ visit also aimed to foster connections and promote women’s leadership in Colombia. Vice-President Márquez described the visit as “very special,” highlighting its dual focus on cyber issues and social impact. During their stay, Meghan and Vice-President Márquez shared a warm embrace and were seen engaging in friendly interactions. Márquez also held Harry’s hands during their introduction, signaling a strong personal and diplomatic connection.

The couple’s itinerary includes stops in the cities of Cartagena and Cali, where they are expected to continue their engagement with local communities and leaders. This visit follows their three-day trip to Nigeria earlier this year, marking their second international tour of 2024. While the Sussexes have not disclosed the funding sources for this trip, it is clear that they are receiving a full security detail, a privilege they lost in the UK after stepping down as working royals in 2020.

The Colombian visit has been interpreted by some as mirroring the nature of an official royal engagement, given the significant public interest and the high-profile nature of their activities. The visit underscores the couple’s ongoing commitment to addressing global issues and using their platform to advocate for meaningful change.

Throughout the visit, Harry and Meghan have maintained a focus on issues of digital ethics and social responsibility, reflecting their broader mission to address pressing global challenges through their Archewell Foundation. The discussions on misinformation are particularly timely, as concerns about the impact of digital falsehoods continue to grow worldwide.

As the Sussexes conclude their visit to Colombia, their emphasis on combating misinformation and promoting digital responsibility remains a central theme, underscoring the need for greater vigilance and accountability in the age of digital information.

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