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NPP campaign song: Manager reveals other artistes took Kwabena Kwabena’s money

3 min read

Kwabena Kwabena’s manager, Nana Poku Ashis, has recently revealed a troubling episode involving the highlife musician’s campaign song for the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in 2016. Ashis claims that several individuals accepted payments on Kwabena Kwabena’s behalf for the song without his authorization.

In an interview with Roselyn Felli on Joy Prime’s Prime Morning show, Ashis addressed questions surrounding whether Kwabena Kwabena was compensated for his campaign song. He firmly stated that while the musician himself believed the work was done pro bono, some of his acquaintances—who were party affiliates—accepted money under his name. According to Ashis, the party’s officials were informed of these payments and assumed that Kwabena Kwabena had been paid accordingly.

“Certain individuals charged fees on his behalf. Some of Kwabena’s friends, who facilitated his meeting with the party leadership, took money in his name. The party was aware of these transactions, thinking Kwabena had received the funds. In reality, he never saw any of that money,” Ashis revealed.

Ashis went on to explain that after realizing he had not received any payment, Kwabena Kwabena approached the party to claim his share. However, he was met with resistance, as the party had already documented the payments as having been made through intermediaries. Despite this setback, Kwabena Kwabena remained committed to supporting the party through subsequent elections. Unfortunately, after the NPP secured victory, the musician felt abandoned and neglected by the party.

The experience has prompted Ashis to offer a word of caution to other musicians. He advises those who are either working on or contemplating campaign songs for political entities to ensure that all financial dealings are conducted transparently and formally. He stressed that musicians should avoid engaging in political discussions or providing services without proper contracts and compensation to safeguard their interests.

Kwabena Kwabena, born George Kwabena Adu, released the campaign song ‘Vote Number 1’ in 2016 for then-candidate Nana Akufo-Addo ahead of the December elections. The song gained significant popularity and is believed to have contributed to the party’s electoral success. Despite the song’s impact, Kwabena Kwabena publicly stated on multiple occasions that he did not receive any payment for the song. He emphasized that it was created purely out of admiration for Akufo-Addo.

The fallout from this incident has led Kwabena Kwabena to vow never to compose a political campaign song without proper financial arrangements in place. He has directed his management to ensure that all future engagements of this nature are handled with appropriate formalities and compensation before any recording begins.

This isn’t the first time Kwabena Kwabena has been involved in a political campaign. In 2008, he also composed a campaign song titled ‘Number One’ for Nana Akufo-Addo during his initial run for the presidency. However, the 2016 experience appears to have significantly impacted Kwabena Kwabena’s approach to such collaborations.

Overall, the situation highlights the importance of clear and transparent financial agreements in the entertainment industry, especially when it intersects with political endeavors. Ashis’s revelations serve as a reminder for both artists and political parties to uphold professional standards and respect mutual agreements.

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