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Retired military leaders defend Harris while placing blame on Trump for Afghanistan withdrawal in letter

3 min read

In a recent letter, a group of retired military leaders has come out in defense of Vice President Kamala Harris amidst ongoing partisan disputes over the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021. This letter, issued by the National Security Leaders for America, asserts that Harris is uniquely qualified to handle national security issues and counters Republican claims linking her to the disorderly exit.

The letter praises Harris for her adept handling of various international challenges, highlighting her role in uniting allies against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, her support for partners in the Indo-Pacific against Chinese provocations, and her advancement of U.S. leadership in space and artificial intelligence. The signatories argue that Harris’s extensive experience makes her well-suited for the role of Commander-in-Chief.

This defense comes in the wake of conflicting reports from House Republicans and Democrats, each assigning blame for the Afghanistan withdrawal. The Republican report accuses Harris of collaborating closely with President Biden to withdraw all U.S. troops, often referring to the administration as the “Biden-Harris administration” to implicate her further.

In contrast, the retired generals’ letter shifts the blame to former President Donald Trump. The letter criticizes Trump for his handling of the withdrawal negotiations, stating that his administration’s deal with the Taliban— which included the release of 5,000 Taliban fighters— left the Biden administration with a hastily executed plan. This agreement, the letter argues, significantly hindered the Biden administration’s ability to conduct an orderly withdrawal and placed U.S. service members and allies in jeopardy.

The letter emphasizes that Trump’s approach to negotiating the withdrawal without involving the Afghan government left President Biden and Vice President Harris with inadequate time and resources to manage the exit properly. The retired leaders argue that this lack of foresight created a chaotic situation that the Biden administration struggled to manage.

During his tenure, Biden had made it a priority to withdraw troops from Afghanistan. As vice president under President Barack Obama, he advocated for a reduction in troop numbers, a proposal that was initially resisted in favor of a troop surge. Trump, during his presidency, also sought to end U.S. involvement in Afghanistan and negotiated an agreement with the Taliban for a May 1, 2021, withdrawal deadline. Biden, however, deemed this timeline unfeasible and extended it to September 11, 2021, aiming to avoid the negative optics associated with the 1975 withdrawal from Vietnam.

Despite Biden’s efforts to ensure a controlled exit, the withdrawal was marred by violence and disorder. The chaotic scenes included a suicide bombing that killed 13 American service members and around 170 Afghan civilians at Kabul’s airport. Additionally, harrowing images of Afghans falling from military planes while attempting to flee underscored the difficulties of the operation and drew comparisons to the infamous Saigon evacuation.

The withdrawal’s aftermath has continued to fuel political debate. Republicans have blamed Biden for pushing for a withdrawal regardless of the consequences, while Democrats have criticized Trump for his role in initiating the Taliban deal. Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, who served as Trump’s national security adviser, has also suggested that Trump shares some responsibility for the withdrawal’s chaos.

Even years after the withdrawal, the issue remains a contentious topic in political circles. Recent incidents, such as the Trump campaign’s reportedly contentious visit to Arlington National Cemetery, have further highlighted the enduring impact of the withdrawal on U.S. politics. During this visit, Trump’s staff allegedly disregarded cemetery regulations, leading to confrontations with staffers.

In response to these ongoing controversies, Harris has criticized Trump, accusing him of prioritizing personal interests over national service. The letter from retired military leaders reinforces the argument that the complex and tumultuous withdrawal was influenced more by Trump’s actions than by Harris’s role in the Biden administration.

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