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Promoting Research to Tackle National Challenges: CS Ogamba’s Call to Action

3 min read

Cs Ogamba calls for more research to address challenges

The nation’s progress hinges on the advancement of research to address critical challenges in areas such as food security, education, health care, manufacturing, and climate change. Education Cabinet Secretary Julius Migos

Ogamba emphasizes that research is key to uncovering new knowledge, developing innovative technologies, and solving societal issues, thereby paving the way for a brighter future for all.

In his speech, delivered by Fredrick Ndambuki, Secretary of Education, at the closing ceremony of the Kenya National Research Festival (KNRF), CS Ogamba highlighted the pivotal role of Research, Science, Technology, and Innovation (RSTI) in driving social and economic development. He underscored that in today’s globalized and knowledge-driven world, RSTI is crucial for maintaining competitiveness and fostering growth.

The event, which brought together stakeholders from across the research community, showcased the importance of RSTI in Kenya’s development. Ogamba noted that the rapid industrialization seen in Southeast Asia is largely due to a strong focus on research and technology. Kenya, too, is harnessing RSTI to empower youth and advance the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA).

The inaugural KNRF, which is intended to become an annual event, serves multiple purposes. It not only highlights groundbreaking discoveries and innovations but also fosters collaboration, dialogue, and collective action. “This festival is a platform where ideas are born, partnerships are formed, and the potential of research to drive positive change is fully realized,” Ogamba remarked.

He commended Young Scientists Kenya (YSK) for their role in organizing the event, which attracted over 1,000 students from 390 schools across all 47 counties. The festival provided a significant opportunity for these young participants to showcase their research and technological projects, both physically and virtually. “The festival is a unique chance for Kenyan youth to display their innovative and scientific talents. We celebrate YSK’s commitment and efforts, which have greatly enriched the festival and inspired future scientists and innovators,” Ogamba said.

Stakeholders attended the closing ceremony of the Inaugural Kenya national research festival.

The week-long festival was marked by engaging learning sessions and dynamic exhibitions across various scientific disciplines. Ogamba praised the outstanding researchers who were honored for their exceptional achievements despite the challenges faced by developing nations like Kenya in the research sector. “To all the distinguished researchers, young innovators, and awardees, your contributions to Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) reflect your dedication, creativity, and relentless efforts. You have not only advanced knowledge but have also set new benchmarks for research excellence,” Ogamba added.

The CS also expressed gratitude to the partners who played a crucial role in supporting the event through financial and in-kind contributions. Their involvement was essential in fostering innovation and facilitating knowledge-sharing among the research community.

The Kenya National Research Festival (NRF) is designed to advance research in science, technology, and innovation. It aims to support scientific research, encourage innovation, and maintain a comprehensive national database of research and innovation in Kenya. Through these efforts, the NRF seeks to propel the nation towards a future driven by knowledge and technological advancement.

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