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Wild Hyena Captured After Creating Havoc in Migori Village

3 min read

Residents of Lichota in Suna West Sub-county are breathing easier thanks to the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), which has successfully captured a hyena that had been terrorizing the community. The animal, which had been causing significant distress by preying on local livestock, was finally subdued after extensive efforts by wildlife officials.

Since July, the KWS had been actively working to address the issue of the aggressive hyena, which had become a persistent problem for the local residents. The hyena had been attacking cattle, goats, and sheep, leading to considerable losses for the villagers. The situation had grown increasingly alarming, prompting numerous complaints to the KWS about the encroachment of this wild predator into their homes and agricultural areas.

Stephen Kaunda, a resident of Lichota, shared the profound impact the hyena had on the community. He explained that the constant threat posed by the hyena had resulted in sleepless nights for many locals. Residents were compelled to vigilantly guard their livestock, sacrificing their peace of mind to ensure the safety of their animals. Kaunda noted that the heightened vigilance was especially challenging as the local schools reopened for the third term, adding to the stress of managing both educational and security concerns.

“The presence of the hyena was not only a danger to our livestock but also posed a significant risk to our children who had to travel to school early in the morning,” Kaunda said. “We are relieved that the KWS has managed to capture the hyena, and it brings a great sense of safety and normalcy back to our community.”

The capture of the hyena was the result of persistent efforts by the KWS, which had been setting traps and employing various strategies to deal with the rogue animal. This operation was part of a broader initiative by the KWS to mitigate human-wildlife conflicts, which have been increasingly common in areas bordering wildlife habitats.

In addition to the immediate relief provided by the hyena’s capture, Migori County has also taken proactive steps to prevent future incidents. The county government has formulated a plan to construct a fence around the Lichota forest. This measure is intended to act as a barrier to prevent wild animals, including hyenas, from encroaching on residential areas and causing further disturbances.

The new fencing plan is a critical component of Migori County’s broader strategy to manage and mitigate human-wildlife conflicts. By establishing a physical barrier, the county aims to protect both the local communities and their livestock from the encroachment of wild animals. The initiative reflects a growing recognition of the need to balance conservation efforts with the safety and well-being of local populations.

Brutal hyena captured in Migori

As the county moves forward with this plan, residents of Lichota are hopeful that it will provide long-term solutions to the issues they have faced. The fencing project, along with the recent success in capturing the troublesome hyena, represents a significant step toward restoring peace and security to the area.

In conclusion, the capture of the hyena by the KWS and the planned construction of a protective fence are positive developments for the community of Lichota. These actions not only address the immediate threat posed by the hyena but also demonstrate a commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of residents while respecting the presence of wildlife in the region. The combined efforts of the KWS and the local government are expected to foster a more harmonious coexistence between humans and wildlife in the future.

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